Categoriearchief: Data & Analytics

Top 3 Questions about the CDAT Training

As a trainer of the DAU-CDAT Training (Certified Data & Analytics Tester) people sometimes ask me questions about the training.
Curious? Below you’ll find the Top questions.

Note: do you have a question yourself? Just let me know and I’m happy to answer (or to find someone who should know the anwer).

#1) I am a data engineer, not a tester. I am worried that I don’t understand the testing lingo. Should I worry?

No, that should not be a problem! In the world of Testing, people have different “dialects” when it comes to the testing terminology. Therefore, trainers will always make sure that everyone is on the same page, first. This will give you the opportunity to learn the terms that are used in CDAT. To get even more prepared, you could read ISTQB and/or TMap related books or take a training about testing in general.

#2) Will I learn to automate tests for a data centric environments?

As CDAT is a Foundation training, the focus will be on learning what to test, why to test this, how to elicit test cases (test design) and how to create a testing approach that you can use to report remaining risks in clear wordings to your client. The “how” question, specifically tools and test automation, will be tackled in (future) trainings in the DAU curriculum.

#3) Can I take the exam with Brightest without attending a training?

Yes, you can try and take the exam with Brightest without attending the training: DAU is not forcing you to attend the training before you can enter the exam (like some other certifications do). Please contact us for exam vouchers, should you decide to do so.
Keep in mind that many attendees feel that the training adds value as they return to their work place with new concepts and practical tools. If that sounds good to you, then please take the time (2 days or 4 evenings) and join the training.

Analyzing and Testing Data Environments – Common Issues

Analyzing and Testing Data Environments – Common Issues

Armando Dörsek © 2023


When dealing with data centric systems, e.g. when analyzing and testing data warehouse or business intelligence environments, you’ll probably come across various errors. These errors can be due to insufficient analysis of the source data, developing the wrong transformations or even by using the system in the wrong way. To explain and categorize these common mistakes, you’ll find a summary of common mistakes below. 

Types of errors

  1. Homonyms and Synonyms in columns/field names
  2. Technical differences between systems
  3. Wrong usage of source systems
  4. Fields/Columns filled with technically correct values but not providing any real business
  5. History issues
  6. Wrong mappings
  7. Wrong transformations


When various concepts are known under the same description, we call this a “homonym”. For instance, an “area” may be used to depict a quantity of a two-dimensional surface (e.g. measured in square meters) but it may also refer to a region (e.g. a neighborhood, borough or zone).

When two different names are used for the same concept, we call these “synonyms”. For instance, when analyzing concepts like “contact” and “client”, it is important to figure out if the meaning of the concepts are 100% identical or that slight differences apply, based on the usage in the source systems. E.g. for some departments, contacts may be treated as a customer only after they have actually put in their first order with the company.

When analyzing, building and testing interfaces between systems, data integration and reports, this is something to take a good look at.

Technical Differences between Systems

When transferring (loading, moving) data from one system to another and integrating these values, issues may arise due to technical differences between systems. In the design, development and test of the interfaces and data integration, this needs attention.

Character Sets

One example is the different implementation of treating characters, i.e. storing specific characters in a different way on the various systems. Computers are good at storing numbers (1’s and 0’s) but for storing texts, character sets were developed. These may be incomplete and not able to store all relevant characters – leading to simplifying texts. E.g. the ASCII character set is able to store “plain English” characters but to store all letters, punctuation and symbols of other languages, the Unicode character set is required. 

Physical Storage of Data

Related to the issue above, is the difference in storing files on different systems like mainframes, Windows based system and a Unix/Linux based systems. Files may be treated in a different way where it comes to technical features like “end of line” characters and the way specific characters are stored.

Differences in Data Types

When storing data, you often get to choose from different data types, like character, numbers, dates and currencies. Various Database management systems (DBMS’s) and integration tools treat data types in different ways. These differences may be inherent to the system, others may be configured by technical staff. E.g. if a source system only supports storing text and target systems have ways to store numbers, dates and texts, some kind of transformation is needed. The analysis of the possibilities in the source systems is crucial: is “7,001” to be treated the same as “7.001”? Data profiling tools can be helpful. Make sure ask the right questions during review of the specifications, to test variations in the unit- and system tests and to have “rich” acceptance test sets that cover all kinds of different values in the source systems.

Wrong use in/of Source Systems

Users are extremely resourceful when it comes to using their tools (i.e. our source systems) in the most efficient manner. This will sometimes lead to using in a way it was not meant to, e.g. by filling “free format” fields with data that should have been stored elsewhere. Or by team A using field X in a different way than team B, making it difficult to analyze the data in that certain field (X).

Values are Technically Correct – but have low Business Value

When analyzing data sets, you may come across tables which contain a lot of “generic” of default values. Consider a table with customers having a column called “MarketSegment”. If most hold the value “99 Various Market Segments”, the business value of having such a field in a report is quite low.

When analyzing data in order to build meaningful reports, this should be mentioned to end users in an early stage – as they will probably record this as a finding or bug at the time of an acceptance test. 

The following situation is even worse: when users decide to enter blanks or certain values like “X” or “0,0” in fields that should have been filled in a correct manner. In this case, the value is not only too generic (like with “99 Various Market Segments”) but plain wrong. If not addressed, it may lead to wrong business decisions. E.g. when car crashes are not registered on their precise location, due to users entering wrong geo locations, dangerous streets and crossings may not get improved in time.

History Issues

Some source systems are designed is such a way that only the current situation is stored, and does not retain “history”. Should history be required this may lead to (at least) two kinds of issues.

The first issue arises when end users get creative in storing information that they want to keep in fields that weren’t meant for this purpose, like in a “Remarks” field. Should data analysts overlook the data in this field, e.g. because the technical documentation says it’s “just for remarks”, this may lead to issues. Data profiling should be applied, to find out if these situations occur in the source systems. Even if the issue is addressed, retrieving the relevant data from such fields can be hard and error prone.

The second issue happens when there is uncertainty about the actual validity of a value, as the original values get overwritten in the source systems. Is the shown value “the latest value” or the “original value”? Input from the user community is required.

Note: A solution may consist of developers building a system for “change data capture” (CDC), registering each and every change in the source system and figuring out what to do with it based on technical and business rules.

In data warehousing, history is often kept by the use of Slowly Changing Dimensions type 2 (SCD2). Tables have columns added with a begin- and end date, showing the period in which the situation is valid. When an attribute changes value, a new row is added with a new begin date (and the old record gets “closed”). More variants of SCD exist, and when developing solutions based on SCD, errors can be introduced as well. Be sure to have a test plan in place to cover the basic situations when working with SCD.

Wrong Mappings

Mappings can be implemented in a wrong way, in many ways.

First, due to a human errors, columns may be mapped to other columns than intended (in the design). E.g. mapping “StudentName” in the student database to “BANKACCOUNT” instead of “LASTNAME”. Replacing the manual mapping with more automated mappings tackle many of these issues and many of the wrong mappings are easily discovered by a visual check. Should a mapping hold many similar fields, this may become more difficult, but even so: checking it is very valuable, as solving issues in Acceptance Tests are more costly than bugs that are found early in the process.

A second type of error does not concern mapping the actual fields, but concerns the contents of the fields. E.g. when mapping dates from TEXT and DATE fields to other DATE and DATETIME, extra attention is required from developers and testers. Does “20230305” stand for 3 May 2023 or 5 March 2023? Are DATETIME fields (e.g. “20230305000000”) actually holding date/time with much precision – or only the date?

If several systems hold similar values, these may be integrated, but small differences are lurking around the corner: if system A will store “sex” coded as 1 (male), 2 (female) and 0 (unknown and other) and system B will store texts “boy”, “girl”, “man”, “woman”, “military”, “disabled”, “other” and <blank>, then business rules will need to be applied to make sure that the data in Data Marts and reports will be meaningful.


This is just a limited number of issues that may occur. You’ll probably have found some of these, and others, yourself. Feel free to share your experiences and report issues that you’re experiencing in the field of data.

Black Friday Deal voor training “Certified Data & Analytics Tester”

Profiteer nu van de Black Friday Deal van Verified en ontvang je examenvoucher t.w.v. EUR 200,- helemaal gratis bij je inschrijving voor “Certified Data & Analytics Tester”.

Dit betekent dat je voor de tweedaagse training inclusief het officiële examen van DAU/Brightest nu geen EUR 1195,- maar slechts EUR 995,- betaalt (ex. BTW).

Deze actie gaat per direct in en is geldig tot en met vrijdag 25 november 2022 (23:59 CET).

Schrijf je nu in en vermeld in het commentaarveld “Black Friday” om aanspraak te maken op deze korting.

    Ja, ik neem graag deel aan de volgende training:

    Neem alstublieft contact met mij op!

    Cursusdata 1e Half Jaar 2021

    Voor de training DAU Certified Data & Analytics Tester (CDAT) hebben we de volgende data ingepland voor het eerste half jaar van 2021.

    • 25 & 26 januari 2020, Live in Utrecht indien mogelijk (anders on line), Nederlands gesproken
    • 18 & 25 februari en 4 & 11 maart, Online sessies van 1400-1700 uur (CET), Engels Nederlands gesproken
    • 25 & 26 maart, Live in Den Haag Utrecht (indien mogelijk, anders online). Nederlands gesproken
    • 19, 20 & 21 april, Online sessies, Engels gesproken.
    • 10 & 11 mei, Live in Berlijn (indien mogelijk, anders on line). Engels gesproken.
    • 26 mei en 2, 16 & 23 juni, Online sessies van 14:00-17:00 uur (CET), Engels gesproken.
    • 8 & 9 juni, Live in Amsterdam (indien mogelijk , anders on line). Nederlands gesproken.
    • 12 & 13 juli, Live in Berlijn (indien mogelijk, anders on line). Engels gesproken.

    Zie de evenementenkalender voor details en voor het inschrijvingsformulier.

    Daarnaast blijft het mogelijk om in company trainingen  en trainingen op maat aan te vragen.  Vragen? Neem vooral contact met Verified op, we staan je graag te woord.

    Online Training van CDAT in het Engels

    In samenwerking met Ammerlaan IT Advies & Opleidingen verzorgt Verified in oktober 2020 de training “DaU Certified Data & Analytics Testing” in een Engelstalige online variant.

    De cursus behandelt essentiële kennis en vaardigheden voor het testen en toetsen van datawarehouse-, business intelligence (rapportages, dashboards) en analytics oplossingen. De doelgroep omvat niet alleen testers maar ook ontwikkelaars, analisten en data scientists.

    De deelnemers ontvangen op 4 woensdagmiddagen alle stof die nodig is voor het behalen van het examen voor CDAT.  Door te kiezen voor deze vorm bedienen we niet alleen de Engelstalige medewerkers in Nederland maar ook geïnteresseerden in het buitenland (bv. Europa,  India en het oosten van Noord- en Zuid Amerika).

    Naast deze online training blijven natuurlijk ook de klassikale open inschrijvingen én de in-company training op de kalender staan. Bekijk alle trainingsdata hier.

    Image showing person from above making notes next to a laptop
    Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

    Certified Data & Analytics Tester: Mijlpaal

    Borrelmoment bij grondleggers CDAT Foundation

    Ongeveer twee jaar geleden legden Jaap de Roos (DataConnected), Rogier Ammerlaan (Ammerlaan Trainingen) en Armando Dörsek ( de basis voor de training van Certified Data & Analytics Tester (CDAT). Na het verzorgen van een reeks trainingen in Nederland werd het tijd voor enige vernieuwing: binnenkort volgt hier meer nieuws.

    (Een tipje van de sluier: uw certificaat (er)kent men straks ook buiten Nederland…)

    Screenshot van een online meeting met afbeeldingen van Armando Dörsek (links), Rogier Ammerlaan (midden) and Jaap de Roos (rechts)
    v.l.n.r. Armando Dörsek, Rogier Ammerlaan, Jaap de Roos


    Data & Analytics Testing Tools Summary (2)

    Testing of Data & Analytics environments is increasingly supported by test tools. At Verified, we wonder what your experience is with one of these tools – and if you propose certain tools that have helped you ?

    Please let us know, by leaving a message under this post, through the Contact FormLinkedIn or Twitter or contact us in any way you prefer. If you like, we can reply with a listing of more than 15 tools that should help testers and analysts  in testing and quality issues. 

    The previous post on Test Tools can be found here.

    Note: We are not sponsored in any way by the tool providers.

    RTTS QuerySurge

    Querysurge is a commercial product made for testing ETL, where comparison of source and target tables is the main object.

    It offers dashboards, query wizards, various prefabricated queries for comparison of data, text search etc.

    A trial version is available:

    Note that for BI Testing, an add on is available. Connectors are available for Cognos, Tableau, SAP Business Objects, Microstrategy and OBIEE.  Features include comparison of reports when upgrading or migrating, querying report meta data.


    iCEDQ is a commercial ETL Test Tool, which runs in the cloud, on premise or hybrid.

    It offers a rule engine module, which features:

    • Checksum rules (e.g. row counts)
    • Reconciliation rules (e.g. missing records)
    • Validity rules (SCD Type 2, Format Checks)
    • Script rules (e.g. execute DML/DDL, pre and post actions).

    iCEDQ currently integrates with Jenkins, TFS, Jira, HP ALM and ServiceNow.

    iCEDQ offers trials through their website:

    Bitwise QualiDI

    QualiDI focuses on ETL testing from sources to targets.

    It provides data validation and comparison of data, has a centralized repository of requirements, test cases, test results and has a API trigger based automation of test execution.

    There is Business Rules Engine, enabling non-technical users to write rules instead of queries. It integrates with Bitwise Test Data Management Suite for providing test data.

    QualiDi is a commercial product, a 30 day trial is available


    SSIS Tester

    SSIS Tester is offered by bytesoftwo and focuses on testing Microsoft SSIS.

    SSIS Tester is a testing framework built on top of SQL Server Integration Services. It enables you to test packages, tasks and precedence constraints. It supports two types of tests:

    1. unit tests
    2. integration tests.

    SSIS Tester helps you to develop you ETL process in the test driven manner and to identify errors early in the development process. It offers “data taps” and fake source or targe components, enabling developers to work independently. Tests target packages or particular tasks.

    More information on SSIS Tester on MSDN can be found here:

    SSIS Tester offers a free 21-day trial version:

    Next 4 Tools

    In a few weeks I will publish the next Blog post, asking for new experiences. Thanks for reading this post!

    Omdat deze tekst gericht is op een internationaal publiek, heb ik ervoor gekozen om de bovenstaande tekst in het Engels op te stellen. Stelt u prijs op een vertaling naar het Nederlands? Neemt u dan aub contact met ons op.

    Certified Data & Analytics Tester – ingepland voor 2020

    In 2019 hebben we een aantal succesvolle cursusreeksen uitgevoerd voor de training “Certified Data Analytics Tester”, oftewel CDAT.

    Oók een CDAT-training volgen? Goed idee! Dat kan in 2020 op diverse locaties in Nederland:

    16-04-2020 Amsterdam
    07-09-2020 Utrecht
    19-11-2020 Den Haag

    Uiteraard kunnen we in-house trainingen verzorgen, vraag naar de mogelijkheden.
